Are We Monsters

Fantasy / Coming of Age - Feature Film

A werewolf conflicted with identity, Maya seeks to understand the two sides of herself- before the consequences become deadly.


“Emotionally charged and beautifully shot”

- The Hollywood News

“For werewolf fans this is an absolute must-see.”

- Nerdly

“visually striking werewolf fairytale”

- VODzilla


"a smart, creative and original creation behind the werewolf legend."

- Movie Reviews 101


"a truly fresh and original take on an old classic and leaves an impression once
it’s over."

- Ashley Manning


Set in the striking English countryside ‘Are We Monsters’ blends terror, mystery and magic together to play with the question of identity. Who are we and who decides?


Are We Monsters stars a diverse cast including award-winning actors Stefan Chanyaem and John Black.

The Adventurers

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by Charlotte Olivia

A fiery inexperienced werewolf dragged into a world she wasn’t prepared for. Maya doesn’t hold back her thoughts but battles with the internal question of her identity and what kind of life she is allowed to lead. Should she fight to control the monster within, or let it consume her?


by Jathis Sivanesan

A lover of folklore, Luke has read every book under the Sun about “fantasy”. Brought up with a cushioned lifestyle, Luke is desperate to find adventure beyond the walls of his book bindings. Stumbling across Maya through his blog, Luke’s world is turned upside down as he finds out that the “myths” from his story books are all true.

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Werewolf Hunters

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by John Black

From a long line of monster hunters, Everett must battle with internal conflict and decide whether to treat werewolves as the “monsters” his bloodline has trained him to kill, or see past tradition and follow his own path.


by Stefan Chanyaem

Trained to kill monsters and protect the innocent, Connor must adapt as the last silver bullets in existence are used up. Teaming up with Maya, Luke and Everett, Connor looks to new ways to stop a werewolf rampage and run damage control.

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by Justin Hayward

A werewolf hunter all his life, father of Connor and Everett, Michael has to rethink his family tradition as the world runs out of silver bullets.

He hopes that he has trained Everett and Connor appropriately for what is to be faced next.

Join the fantasy, follow socials for folklore!


The Lore

‘Are We Monsters’ delves deep into the folklore of werewolves. All the way back to Greek mythology and legend, Selene and Helios, Gods of the Sun and Moon.


“I’m a lover of folktale, myths and legends that blend fantasy and reality. So, I wanted to bring a coming of age feature film together with fantasy that felt as much as an internal story as an external one.”

— Director, Seb Cox

Seb Cox
